Session 2 >>


The students will be able to:

• be aware of one’s thoughts and emotions in different situations

• understand the determinants and consequences of people’s behaviors

• explore own character strengths

• consider personal traits that should be developed


Reflection of determinants and consequences of people’s behaviors

Make the right choice in life

Examples of real-life experiences


Situation: Students are watching a video how a boy in a situation where strangers are watching him throwing a wrapper from a candy into a trash, when no one sees it he throws it right on the road.




Class Discussion- Students discuss the story with the teacher, who directs their attention to the goals of the lesson, explains the importance of observing moral and social norms, and introduces he concept of "personal values" as the basis of a person's self-awareness.


Class Discussion- Leading students to decompose the problem through questions such as:

What is the problem in this story?

How does the boy's behavior differ when he is watched by adults and when he is alone?

Abstraction: Worksheet 1 Students are offered work in small groups (3-5 people), during which they need to:

a) determine the character traits of the boy that contributed to the demonstration of the behavior described by him;

b) establish and discuss the possible consequences of such behavior for both the boy himself and others.

Pattern Recognition:

Class Discussion The teacher invites students to think about what character traits a person should possess in order to act correctly (according to moral and social norms) in situations similar to the one viewed in the video. Students in a circle name one feature, which is written on the board.

The teacher can provide hints to those who experience difficulties (Appendix 1).

Worksheet 2. The teacher suggests that everyone think about: a) what positive character traits they already possess; b) what traits would you like to develop in yourself even more.

Examples of Real-Life Experiences Pupils are asked to recall cases from their own lives similar to the revised story, when they doubted which line of behavior to choose, but did the right thing!

What helped them make a choice? How did you feel afterwards?

Algorithmic Thinking: students will have to write step by step how they would behave in the situation they saw in the video, as well as clearly describe the factors that would encourage them to choose one or another model of behavior.



a) Reflection

Children take turns answering the questions:

- today in class I realized that...

- I liked (didn't like) the class because...

b) Exercise "Thermometer"

The teacher hangs a poster with a thermometer on it. Gives each student thin strips cut from a sticky sticker

Students are invited to mark the temperature of their current mood on this thermometer using a strip. Participants attach the strips to the corresponding divisions of the thermometer.

Last modified: Sunday, 24 March 2024, 6:23 PM