The students will be able : 

  • To resolve conflicts 

  • To ensure continuity in their relations 

  • To work problem solving based on teamwork and collaboration 

  • To solicit and offer assistance 

  • To build positive relationships 


Importance of relationships in terms of social life and how to manage the society’s roles 

Importance of the team work in a problem solving situation

 Identification of the loss of the relationship skills in a misunderstanding 

The importance of handing a relation’s problem with empathy and active listening 


Situation: Digital story:  misunderstanding between friends: Someone told you something about someone else and they didn’t hear it properly, then told someone else and in the end the person in the story gets in a fight with the first person with the label of spreading rumours about them. 



Introduction: Drama Activity :Role-playing : In pairs, the students recreate the story they watched. Try to emphasise on the “way” of communication : the facial expressions, the tone of speaking, that the two people in a fight talk at the same time. Change roles.

Decomposition: Class Discussion : Try to find all the layers of the problem. Who started the misunderstanding? Who continued it? What are the consequences of it? 

The problem is not only the misunderstanding, it is also the way the children in the dialogue manage it. Identify the behavioural mistakes (eg. loss of active listening)


Activity 1: “BROKEN TELEPHONE” : All the students sitting in a circle and the first one whispers a word in the one on their right side. It goes that way till the end with the same word. The last student says the word out loud. 

Activity 2: “BE CAREFUL ON THE RIGHT!” In a circle all students say a word, and they must pay attention to all the words, especially of what the person on their right said. In the second round each student says what their person on the right side said. 

Conclusion: When we are trying to reproduce someone’s words we often make mistakes, it is really common, as we see it only happens with a single word. We experience misunderstandings in relationships in a different way. 

Pattern Recognition: Work in pairs- Storytelling method : The students create their own dialogues about a misunderstanding between friends (could be imaginative or from a real-life experience). They present them in the class. 

Class Discussion: When presenting the stories they made, students need to explain the situation, and the reason they used specific phrases and also, the consequences of their “misunderstanding stories”. Identify similarities and differences in all the stories, the digital one concluded. Try to find the patterns. 

Algorithmic Thinking: The dialogue of the digital story is spread on paper to all the students. Worksheet 1 is completed by each. 

Last modified: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 11:14 PM